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The magic in the mundane Ft. Aparna Priya

Today after a series of long speeches, I have finally managed to wake up early. I can’t really guess whether it would be a good day for me, but I see the beaming faces of my parents and I know, I have already made theirs. It’s too early for me but I had promised my parents last night. So, I step outside with them to see the magic they always talk about.

It is a beautiful spring morning. The Sun has just risen above the horizon. Oh, and the abstract painting it has made from its rays on the sky is beyond description. After a long walk, I sit down on the grass.

Something glittery catches my eyes. ‘Has someone dropped their ring?’, I think to myself. I wipe my fogged eyeglasses and look carefully. Alas! It is just a dewdrop sitting peacefully on the tip of a grass strand. I wonder if precious things like dewdrops came with a price tag attached, would they be the king of all other stones? Diamonds and rubies can never beat the calmness of a shining dew.

Just beside the dew, a tiny bug struggles to climb up the long leaf which is smaller than the length of my palm. I remember the times how I throw a tantrum if the lift doesn't work for a day.

Not far from me but a little away from the bug is a hard-working earthworm. I see that it is covered with soil particles. The dews are not just sparkling like diamonds on the grass strands, they have also nourished the thirsty land. The small patch of semi-clear land between the carpet of green grass is the home of our earthworm. The land is moist which reduces the labor of the earthworm to loosen the soil for its home. I wonder how I hardly ever appreciate all the handy tools that make my work easier.

I lift my eyes to the horizon, and I see the tiny particles of dust sparkling in the filtered sunlight. A gust of breeze increases their pace. In that moment, I feel like I am witnessing an entire galaxy- the dust particles are the stars in my galaxy. I wonder how I have been unbeknownst to their very existence all the times I was running late for my morning classes on a lazy day.

A musical chirping sound catches my ears. To continue with the lovely movie that I have been watching, my eyes follow the direction of the sound. On a tree, a mother sparrow is talking to her three babies. ‘And like every other mother in the universe, she must be giving the babies a set of instructions.- How to be safe when I leave out in search of food!’, I chuckle to myself. After a minute she indeed flies away and the babies hide themselves under the dry husks. I wonder how I always considered my parents' care to be restrictions. ‘These baby sparrows are more  responsible than me.’, I murmur to myself.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. ‘Let's go’, my mother says. "To be continued...", I think to myself as I rise from the ground. On the way back home, my father enquires whether I saw the magic they talk about.
‘Yes!’, I whisper to him with a huge smile. 



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